About Us

The trusted choice for baking businesses

Trusted for over 85 years
Proudly owned by Peerless Foods, EOI has been manufacturing and supplying an extensive range of high quality bakery margarines and shortenings to the baking industry for over 85 years.


Australia’s leading bakery ingredient supplier
With bakery products that have been tested over generations, you can trust EOI to deliver consistent results for your bakery business. Our products include, pastry and cake margarines and shortenings, butter substitutes, creaming shortenings, custard and pie fillings, vegetarian and vegan margarine and shortening options. Our range now also includes our NEW ready-to-use range which consists of: pastry rolls, shells, croissants, Danish pastry squares and Danish pastries.

Superior technical & practical knowledge

Our margarine and shortening range is backed by our in-depth knowledge of your business needs, and our ability to offer value-added support, including technical assistance and service through to award winning recipe ideas for pies, pastries, vanilla slices and cakes.

So rest assured, whatever you need, EOI has your baking business covered.

Made & Owned Here

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